Swas Kuthar Ras
Swas Kuthar Ras


Shuddha Parad

Shuddha Gandhak

Shuddha Vatsanabh


Shuddha Manahshila

Maricha phal



Bhavana–Tambula patra Swarasa


Swas Kuthar Ras

1. Available Size : 40 Tablets

    Swas Kuthar Ras is an herbomineral Ayurvedic formulation useful in respiratory disorders. The formulation of this medicine contains Parad, Gandhak, Vatsanabh, Tankan, Manashila, Maricha, Pippali, Sunthi with Bhavana dravya Tambula Patra Swarasa. Swas Kuthar Ras helps to decrease phlegm, cough in respiratory diseases and brings back normal respiration. The ingredients used in this medicine are antimicrobial, hot potent, bitter, and increases bile in the body hence help to maintain liver healthy ingredients of Swas Kuthar Ras:

    • Bronchial Asthma, allergic Bronchitis, cough, phlegmSelf-medication
    • Useful in Vata-Shleshm doshas


    • Fever
    • Pneumonia
    • Tonsillitis
    • Difficulty Breathing
    • Cold and Cough
    • Boosts Immunity
    • Respiratory-Related Problems.
    • Stress


Dosage : 1-2 tablets two to three times a day preferably with warm water 


Caution: Consult with your physician prior to using any Supplemental/ Ayurvedic product.

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